Industry-Based Learning Indicator (Grades 7-12)
Pennsylvania’s economic future depends on having a well-educated and skilled workforce prepared to meet the current and projected demands of a global, knowledge-based 21st-century economy. To help meet this challenge, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) is committed to ensuring all students in the commonwealth have access to high-quality learning opportunities that prepare them for meaningful engagement in postsecondary education, in workforce training, in career pathways, and as responsible, involved citizens. Regardless of their individual postsecondary plans, all students should graduate from high school with the knowledge, skills, and experiences needed to succeed in the workforce.
This page outlines how learners can meet the requirements for an Industry-Based Learning Indicator.
Pathways to meet the Industry-Based Learning Indicator requirement:
- Industry Standards-Based Competency Assessments (NOCTI/NIMS): Score competent or advanced on Industry Standards-Based Competency Assessments (NOCTI/NIMS) by the end of the 12th grade.
- Industry Recognized Credential: Earn at least one industry recognized credential between grades 7 & 12.
- Work-based Learning Experience: Complete a work-based learning experience between grades 7 & 12 as listed below.
- Job Shadowing
- Internships/Practicums (Paid or unpaid)
- Cooperative Education Programs (CTE Program)
- Career Mentoring
- Apprenticeship
- Community-based Work Programs (students with IEPs)
- Service Learning (Unpaid)