Counseling Office » Application for Work Permit

Application for Work Permit

Does a student need a work permit ?
Yes, the Pennsylvania Child Labor Act requires all minors, which is any person under age 18, to obtain a work permit from the school district in which they reside, regardless of whether they are enrolled in the school district, attend a charter school or non-public/private school, or participate in a home education program.
Does a student need a work permit before they have a job?
A student can apply for a work permit without having a job offer. They also can apply for and accept a job offer prior to obtaining a work permit. However, a student may not begin working until they receive a work permit from the school district in which they reside.
Where does a student get a work permit?
Minors who reside in Pennsylvania and plan to work in Pennsylvania will apply for a work permit from the school district in which they reside, regardless of whether the minor is enrolled in the school district, attends a charter school or non-public/private school, or participates in a home education program. Minors experiencing homelessness may apply to the district in which they are enrolled.

How does a student apply for a work permit?
The student can visit the high school's Counseling Office for a paper application or download and complete the electronic Application for Work Permit below.
NOTE: The student's parent or legal guardian must sign a completed Application for Work Permit before it can be reviewed and processed. Completed applications must be submitted to Mrs. Lisa Swisher (issuing officer), high school Counseling Office. The applicant (student) must "appear before" the issuing officer, in accordance with the Child Labor Act. This process enables the issuing officer to ensure that all the documents required by law have been examined, approved and filed, and all conditions and requirements for issuing a permit have been fulfilled. Upon successful review of the Application for Work Permit, a wallet-sized, blue, paper work permit bearing a number, the date of issuance, and signature of the issuing officer will be generated. The student signs the work permit when received and shows it to the employer, who makes a copy for their records. The student retains the original work permit and can use this same permit for his/her next employer. Work permits are not issued electronically.

How many hours may a minor work?
The number of hours a minor is permitted to work depends on the minor's age and whether school is in session, as stipulated in the Pennsylvania Child Labor Act. Please review the Pennsylvania Child Labor Act for specific information on the number of hours a particular minor may work when school is not in session.
Additional questions can be directed to 724-694-2780, extension 3105 or [email protected].